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Palmettos of Parklane Assisted Living & Memory Care
Columbia, South Carolina
The Palmettos of Parklane is a place where residents can live independently in a beautiful, secure and caring environment, free from the daily burdens. When there comes a time when more assistance with general activities of daily living is needed, various levels of care are available.
The Palmettos of Parklane offers their residents five levels of care available if needed. The new, 67,000 square foot facility provides 55 Assisted Living apartment suites (85 beds) and 26 Memory Care beds. Amenities include restaurant style dining room; numerous gathering areas - sunrooms, club room, living rooms, greenhouse, porches, verandas and sun deck; Spa, Salon and Barber Shop; Wellness Center and Clinic with on-site physician services; Beautifully landscaped gardens and courtyards; Garden apartments opening to the Santee Garden; Library and resources center and Recreation and Hobby Center.
Type of Project
Assisted Living
Memory Care
Square Footage
67,000 SF
Number of Units
85 Assisted Living Beds
26 Memory Care Beds
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